
The New Year is here and I’m sure you have a list of inspiring resolutions to make this your best year yet.

You may have working out, eating healthier, and reading more on your list… but what about your waxing resolutions?

Taking care of your skin is seriously important, but it’s even more crucial to do so if you wax. To keep your skin healthy, silky, smooth, and free from ingrown hairs, follow my list of Waxing Resolutions!

1. Exfoliate every other day to remove pesky dead skin that clogs pores

2. Lay off caffeine and alcohol before getting a wax–these make your skin extra sensitive

3. Stay hydrated with water a few hours before your wax

4. Keep up your schedule and consistently get your wax every 4-6 weeks–this keeps your hair growing in a uniform pattern while reducing pain. Bonus: waxing more often also makes your waxes last longer!

5. Use aloe vera gel to calm the skin after your wax to heal the skin

6. Take a warm to hot shower before your appointment and exfoliate to open your pores. The temperature of the water softens hair so that it can be easily removed and getting rid of dead skin cells will lead to a better post-waxing result

7. Let your waxing pro know of any skin conditions or sensitivities you may have ahead of time. You’re specialist needs to be aware of allergies, health conditions, or are taking any medication, like Accutane, or if you are using any topical lotions or creams like AHAs or Retin-A, which are not compatible with waxing.

8. Don’t workout or use a sauna 24-48hr after a wax to prevent infection and skin irritability

9. Use sun protection when exposing your skin to the sun. It is especially important during the first 24 hours after waxing in order to avoid redness.

10. Do not interfere with your waxing pro when she is doing her job. This could lead to injury.