
For the best results, hair should be at least 1/4-inch to 1/2-inch. If you have coarse hair it should be closer to 1/2-inch for the first few waxes. Once the hair becomes finer it can be waxed at a shorter length. If your hair is longer, I recommend trimming the area and booking your waxing appointment for one to two weeks later. Hair needs to be long enough for the wax to grab on to, but not too long where it takes multiple time to remove one area of hair. This can be traumatizing to the skin and uncomfortable for you! So neat trimmed hair 1/4-1/2 inch is best!

So how long will your wax last?

It just depends. Depending on the person and sometimes your cultural background, hair grows at different cycles.

Note this: shaved hair does not grow back in one cycle. Shaving removes hair unevenly, resulting in an uneven regrowth. Also, shaving in between waxes cause the hair to grow back more course and in different directions. Shaved hair is much thicker, because it gets cut off at its thickest point. #Knowledge

After a first wax, shaved hair will still appear days after the wax. This is common… and once you get in a habit and routine of waxing, this will slowly resolve itself. We need to get on a system here, ladies! It’s worth it. It should take about 4 to 6 weeks of “growing in” time. I highly recommend giving the area enough time to let all the hair grow back in 100%, and trimmed, to make sure your next wax can grab all the hair!

Again, depending on each person, it could take up to 3 waxing treatments to achieve smooth skin due to the fact that hair grows in stages and all of your hair is never at the same stage. It is very important making waxing a part of your monthly routine and avoid shaving between waxing appointments.

If you have never waxed before and have a big event coming up, such as your wedding, a vacation with your partner, etc., I would not recommend getting your first ever wax a couple of days before you go. Plan ahead and try to get in at least two (2) waxes before you leave. This way, the first wax, which will be the more uncomfortable one, is out of the way and the second wax will have trained the hair to grow evenly and can be removed easily and evenly!